Wireless TIME:O:STAT location guide

Connection problems can be prevented by carefully considering the location of the TIME:O:STAT master and receiver at the point of installation.

The radio frequency (RF) used by the wireless TIME:O:STAT passes easily through internal stud walls but poorly through solid brick.

RF is also disturbed by metal household appliances (such as microwaves, cookers and fridges). When wiring the receiver, mount it outside of any cupboard and where the line of signal does not travel through the boiler itself. (Position A1 is better than B1 in the diagram below).

Typically the wireless TIME:O:STAT has a range of 15 meters, through three stud walls. It will only reliably pass through a single solid brick wall and the range will be dramatically reduced.

The diagram on the following page, shows good and bad locations. A1 to A2 location – GOOD line of signal only passing through: one wall B1 to B2 location – BAD line of signal passing through: two walls, cupboard, boiler, microwave and mirror.

You can check the RF signal quality of the TIME:O:STAT when mounted in the desired location by following the signal testing procedure.

You can check the RF signal quality of the TIME:O:STAT when mounted in the desired location by following the steps below:


Wireless Signal Strength Test for CLASSIC and TIME:O:STAT 3:

1. Perform a RESET by holding the RIGHT side (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.

2. This will show the advanced settings info screen and RF signal strength meter. It shows the current signal strength in bars at the bottom of the display.

3. The signal strength indicator is dynamic, so you can move the unit around to find a location with stronger signal strength.

4. To exit this mode and return to normal operation press the (:t:) button.


A desirable signal strength is at least 2 bars. Below this indicates a poor signal strength. When connected there will be a small network icon displayed in the bottom right of the screen and the signal strength bars will disappear.