Landlord App

The Landlord App can be downloaded and used with the TIME:O:STAT ONE. There are three main operating screens. From which you can easily navigate your properties, boost the heating and change advanced settings. Compatible with IOS and Android the Landlord App is designed for your phone or tablet. Download from the app store to try the DEMO tutorial.

Properties Screen

Landlords can view the overall heating status for the portfolio. View 100+ properties from a single login. See current house temperatures, if the heating is running, humidity levels and heating efficiency scores from one screen.

Boost Screen

Landlords can boost the heating or hot water remotely for an individual property. Target temperature can be adjusted. Heating schedules and advanced settings can be clearly viewed.

Settings Screen

Landlords can change the advanced settings for an property. Including maximum temperatures and heating schedules. Preferred settings can be saved and applied to the whole portfolio.

Humidity Level & Scores

Review the humidity levels and energy scores across your portfolio at a glance.

House Temperature & Boost Remaining

View the current temperature in each of your properties. See if the heating is running and the boost time remaining.

Select Target Temperature

Adjust the target temperature for the countdown boost.

Boost Heating

The landlord can easily boost the countdown for the heating in a property from the boost screen.

Change Advanced Settings

The landlord can remotely adjust the advanced settings for the thermostat from the settings screen.

Landlord App Features

The Landlord App is required to change the advanced settings on the TIME:O:STAT ONE. Installers can do this locally by Bluetooth without signing in. They use a 4 digit passcode to change the advanced settings. Landlords have the option of downloading the app and connecting their TIME:O:STAT to WiFi. This gives remote the landlord the ability to manage their portfolio heating remotely. The Landlord app is however not required, and if internet connection is lost the TIME:O:STAT will work as normal. Download from the app store to try the DEMO tutorial.

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