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Landlord Energy Saving Talk - Southampton 5th March

Landlord Energy Saving Talk - Southampton 5th March

Anthony is speaking on how landlords can save energy in their HMOs. Join him and other landlords at the Southampton PIN meeting: Holiday Inn, Southampton Eastleigh, SO50 9PG on Tuesday 5th March. P...

Energy Saving Talk - LUTON 27th Feb

Energy Saving Talk - LUTON 27th Feb

I am speaking at the Luton PIN meeting at Venue 360, 20 Gipsy Lane, LU1 3JHon Tuesday 27th Feb. Please come along and use the code: Acherry for free admission:

Energy Saving in HMOs talk Croyden 21st Feb

Energy Saving in HMOs talk Croyden 21st Feb

I am speaking at the Croydon PIN meeting at the Crown & Pepper on Wednesday 21st Feb. Please come along and use the code: Acherry for free admission:

Energy Saving in HMO Talk in Oxford 20th Feb

Energy Saving in HMO Talk in Oxford 20th Feb

I am speaking at the Oxfordshire PIN meeting at the Leonardo Royal Hotel on Tuesday 20th Feb. Please come along and use the code: Acherry for free admission:

Energy Saving in HMOs talk in Redditch 7th Feb

I am speaking at the Worchestershire PIN meeting in Redditch on 7th Feb. Please come along and use the code: Acherry for free admission:

Energy Saving in HMO Talks across the UK.

Come and listen and get involved at some if the PIN meetings where i will be talking on 'Energy Saving in HMOs'. The next few dates are below: You can use the code Acherry to attend for free: 07 Fe...